Medium: Egg Tempera
Support: Multimedia Artboard
I have been curious about egg tempera ever since I visited Mona's blog. She has been sharing information about egg tempera paintings. You will be amazed by the paintings she has been producing with this medium.
Last night, I experimented with egg tempera for the first time. At first, I thought of using my Japanese watercolor pigments, but they were dried up, so I used my gouache tubes instead. Due to a limited supply of gouache, I was unable to achieve the colors I wanted. For the support, I chose multimedia artboard because water will not warp this support.
The finished painting has an interesting luster and the black background looks like a shiny lacquer. I like working in layers of wash; just need more patience. The next step will be to get power paints and spend more time buliding layers of colors.
This looks gorgeous Akiko - you mastered it so quickly. I really want to take the time to study the info Mona is posting. Egg Tempera is one of those mediums that intrigues me, but I put it in the too hard basket. How did it compare to acrylics?
Karen, thanks! It was fun. I just have to try more to get an idea about what it can do. Layering process definitely helps to achieve depth, but I had problem mixing colors partly because I didn't have the colors I usually use in acrylic.
beautiful Akiko, how can you produce a piece like that on your first attempt with a new medium, amazing
Beautiful Akiko! Wish my first attempts at something could look like this!
Akiko, I think you could produce a beautiful painting using almost anything...crayollas, food ccolouring...ha! What a beautiful painting and fabulous result for your first time attempt. Way to go Mona for giving you the inspiration.
Ditto what everyone else said. The light in the eyes is mezmorizing. Thank you for sharing your really wonderful talent.
It's so much fun to learn a new medium. I can't believe this is only your first egg tempera, Akiko. It's beautiful! I can only imagine when you "get the hang of it!"
Karie-Ann, Gail, Vern, Patrice, and Kathleen, thank you so much for your kind remarks. You guys are too nice!
Needless to say, I have so much to learn about this medium. Will definitely try again when I get the powder pigments.
Beautiful Akiko! I have always been curious about Egg Tempera as well, especially since one of my favorite artists (Andrew Wyeth) was such a master with the medium.
Kudos to you for just jumping in and you did it like a master! Akiko you're so generous with your resources you sweetheart! Hope you're having a nice summer and taking strolls on your beach as often as possible!
Akiko, I agree, it's amazing work.
Mel, Andrew Wyeth is one of my favorite artists and yes I am awed every time I look at his egg tempera works.
Erika and Mona thank you!!
This is absolutely beautiful, Akiko.
Edward, thanks!
Absolutely stunning!
~ Carolee
This is a fabulous first try with Egg Tempera. [I almost said Tempura because I was getting a little hungry]
I love how you keep expanding your horizons.
Carolee and Sheila, thank you so much! I really appreciate your support. :)
Akiko, this is beautiful! And you were more patient than I! Glazing with egg tempera is definitely a different approach than watercolor, but I love the translucent look that is so hard to capture on scans.
I guess it's already been said a bunch, but I can't believe this is your first go at egg tempra. So glowing! I saw your work on Mona's blog.
You did a great job for first evert and limited colors. Of course tha tmay not be all that bad.
Keep it up.
Your first egg tempera? Didn't take ya long to get that down to a fine art. I think you could turn out a masterpiece with yesterday's leftovers.
Wow! Simply gorgeous. That strong shadow shows off his eyes so well. He has that intense "hunter" look. Can't believe this is your first venture into Egg Tempera. Looks like you paint with them all the time. I completely agree with Vern...you could paint with any medium and it would be wonderful.
Wow, Akiko! I'm so impressed you're working with tempera. This looks luminous. Does it dry quickly like gouache? This is beautiful.
Deb, I agree. The translucency does not show on the image. I have to say that the feel and look are quite different from acrylic paintings.
Barbara, thanks for your visit and wonderful comment!
Gary thanks! I will definitely try again.
James, I think you should also try egg tempera. You might like it a lot.
Gwen, thanks for your compliments!
Liz, it actually dries quickly, maybe faster than gouache.
Thanks all for your wonderful comments!
It's great. In art school we made our own egg tempera and painted with it, for one assignment. It was very easy to make. It seems like a medium you would definitely be very good at, as it certainly lends itself to highly detailed work.
Your first egg tempera painting???
You sure couldn't tell from this piece.
Another strong work of art as usual, Akiko!
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