Size: 2.5 x 3.5 inches
Support: Multimedia artboard mounted on card stock
I have been working on a couple of small paintints for the upcoming miniature shows. This is one of them. I think it has turned out ok. A 1/6-scale is difficult for me to achieve, so I try to pick a large subject. lol
The next one will be a human potrait. Needless to say, it will be a HUGE challenge for me, and then followed by a gorilla. Wish me luck.
You don't need any luck Akiko - your work is always superb, this one included and you are an inspiration to other artists!!!!
You must have used a two-hair brush to get all that wonderful detail in something so small - amazing painting!
Your work is always wonderful! Need to check out the Treasure Seeker paintings :-)
wonderful, I can almost ruffle that fur. Linda:)
Good luck Akiko! I've seen you produce some wonderful portraits of humans, so I'm sure it will all turn out great. I'm looking forward to seeing your pieces finished. And once you start doing the miniature shows, you'll be amazed how big even a 9"x12" seems. I'm not even sure if I can paint bigger than 1/6th scale anymore. :)
Gorgeous! So captured the beauty and character of this animal
I'm always amazed at the beautiful detail you do on such a small surface! The face on this one is magnificent!
I'm sending lots of good luck power your way! I also agree with with Karen Hull.
Yeah, what Jan said abotu a two hair brush, that's amazing!!
Stunning work! Do you use any special brand of acrylic paint because I never seem to be able to get such fine strokes when using acrylics and small brushes. Great job! I also found out about A4C through your blog and I am now a proud member as well. So, thank you for leading me to them :) Keep up the great work!
Ridiculously detailed for such a small work of art!
Expertly done as always!
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