Size: 2.5 x 3.5 inches
Medium: Acrylic
Yay!! This miniature painting won Honorable Mention in MPSGS's (Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers Society) annual juried show this year.
I started this painting about three years ago and left it unfinished all this time. Finally got around to finish it this summer. The models are Einstein (left) and his mom Kitty (right) who recently passed on at the age of 17 (or older).
Congratulations! A lovely piece indeed! The award is so much more special since Kitty has passed on.
Congrats Akiko!
Toutes mes sincères félicitations... Des minous magnifiques...
Il règne une grande sérénité dans cette oeuvre...
Gros bisous
Congratulations! What a great feeling.
This is an AMAZING piece Akiko!! Congratulations on this award!!! SO well deserved.!!!
Congratulations Akiko!!!
This is so beautiful!
just purrrrrrrr-fect! :)
beautifully painted animals, Akiko : )
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