Medium: Acrylic
Support: Stretched Canvas
This is a commission portrait of a beautiful Siamese cat named Murphy. A few weeks ago, I received an email with several pictures requesting a portrait of a cat. This lady was also telling me that she was the person who purchased the miniature painting titled "Mountain Lion"at the MASF (Miniature Art Society of Florida) show.
Needless to say, I was delighted to hear that because I had no idea that my first-time entry for the show was sold! Unfortunately, I was unable to go to the show. I wish the show were closer to where I live.
This is absolutely beautiful! Great job on capturing real feeling in the cat's eyes. Your customer must be very happy!
Murphy is such a handsome cat! I like the soft blue background you used to compliment those hypnotic siamese eyes.
Akiko, that's great news that you sold one of your miniatures, and got a commission too! Congrats!
p.s., I meant to also say that it's a lovely cat portrait!!
Akiko-san, Congratulations on the sale and the commission as a result of the sale! A double header! Sugoi! I love how your are able to paint such superior crystal clear and glossy eyes!
This really is another amazing portrait Akiko - anyone fortunate enough to get one of your portraits has a real treasure!!!
Beautiful Akiko! She will LOVE it!
You did such a great job on this, Akiko! You really captured that icy, mesmerizing gaze of this beautiful Siamese. I have 3 and can never get enough of those eyes!
Wow, incredible eyes, Akiko - beautiful job!
WOW! Congratulations on your sale, and also commission! You are so talented, it is no surprise!!
So realistic and those eyes are beautiful...
I can't imagine anyway being able to pass up your work if they saw it at a show.
Gorgeous job on this one....as always, Akiko!
The blue eyes are just stunning!
Beautiful work, Akiko. Those eyes! Wow.
Oh, look at those beautiful blue eyes - so mysterious! You did a fantastic job as always, Akiko. Congrats on the commission and the sale!
Akiko...your cats are awesome, but I think you excel with whatever subject you take on. That puts YOU in the awesome category, too.
You ARE the cat's meow!
That's great that the buyer found you and added a commision. I always like to at least have a name and city/state from a buyer... otherwise I have this odd feeling that the work has been 'orphaned'!
It's gorgeous Akiko, ( and I LOVE the Frog Prince!)
Akiko you really know how to showcase a subject! Congratulations to your client for discovering you and following up with a commission! You paint with so much attention and affection!
Gorgeous work!I love the eyes!
Akiko, are you going to enter some more of the miniature shows this spring?? I hope you do!
Akiko - this is beautiful!
Hi Akiko, what a beauty of a cat and of a painting too! Love the eyes.
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