Size: 6 x 6 inches
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Ampersand Gessobord
I have many cats that were all rescued from my neighborhood. This is one of them "Hunter." He is so special to me for reasons that I cannot explain. This connection comes from somewhere deep in my soul.
Ten days ago, he came down with pneumonia. His doctor's diagnosis was partially collapsed lung. It really scared me. But his antibiotics has been working so well that he is now almost completely recovered.
This is such a great news to me. So my blog starts the new year with this painting of him I've just finished with love and respect to all life.
Medium: Acrylic
Support: Ampersand Gessobord
I have many cats that were all rescued from my neighborhood. This is one of them "Hunter." He is so special to me for reasons that I cannot explain. This connection comes from somewhere deep in my soul.
Ten days ago, he came down with pneumonia. His doctor's diagnosis was partially collapsed lung. It really scared me. But his antibiotics has been working so well that he is now almost completely recovered.
This is such a great news to me. So my blog starts the new year with this painting of him I've just finished with love and respect to all life.
Akiko, I know how special Hunter is to you and I am so glad he is doing better. This painting of him is sensational! I truly treasure the ACEO I have of him, it's one of my favorite ones. I will send thoughts and prays for him your way.
You start the New year by giving us a Masterpiece!!! What a beauty this is. The lighting, the emotion, the angle, the warmth!!!!!! I am in love with the FUR!!! Hunter looks marvelous. Oh those EYES Akiko.......
YAY for Hunter! What great news, what outstanding art! I'm so with Alice, this is a masterpiece! Akiko you're off to a good start!
Gail thank you so much. I'm happy to know that the Hunter ACEO is in your collection. The one you have is my most favorite among all the Hunter ACEOs I have done.
Alice thank you for your wonderful comments! As you can see, Hunter is irresistible. I'm so happy that he has recovered!
Erika, thank you! I showed this painting to Hunter for his approval. I think he likes it, too. :)
Those eyes are amazing. It's so challenging to make them look so naturally moist and the lens transparent to the iris! Sugoi!
Sheila, thank you so much for your compliments!!!
Good to know that Hunter is getting better, such a beautiful cat and a fantastic portrait.
The connection you two have shines through this painting. I am so glad he is doing better!
Your art just amazes me, Akiko. Especially the way you paint the eyes...
So glad Hunter is going to be ok !!! Your painting of him shows how much love you have for him, just gorgeous !!!
Akiko, this is a magnificent example of what can be achieved with acrylic paint. Hunter is indeed a fortunate feline to have you as his friend and savior. I hope you don't mind me saying, this painting is as beautiful as the person you are inside.
Your painting of Hunter is magnificent. I've never before seen a painting that showed the heart and soul of an animal until now. I can see why you have such a deep bond with him. I am so so glad that he's getting better!
Mekeel McBride
Kittery Maine
Vic, thank you so much!!
Kathleen, thank you so much. It helps to have a beautiful model like Hunter!
blackfeatherfram, thank you so much for your visit! I have a feeling that Hunter has deeper love than I can possibly have. :)
Vern, thank you so much for your compliments. I am totally humbled. Actually, I am the one who is most fortunate to have Hunter and all the other cats here. :)
Mekeel McBride, I'm so glad that you dropped by. What a wonderful comment! Thank you so much.
Oh what a sweet boy!! Love your site...bless you for all you do for these wonderful creatures!! Prayers to Hunter!! Happy new year...his portrait is stunning!!
Beth, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving wonderful comments! Happy New Year to you too!
OH....what a stunnig portrait. Your love for him shines through your talent. Just Beautiful !
I'm happy to hear he's better.
Dominique, thank you so much!!
An amazing portrait of Hunter, Akiko! I'm so glad that he is doing better.
Edward, thank you so much for your visit!
What a sweet boy - I'm so glad to hear he's doing better! Your painting is a beautiful tribute to a very handsome guy:)
Hi Akiko,
I have just discovered your blog - and how happy I am to be here. "My Precious Hunter" is a stunning piece... and I have seen many paintings of creatures before yours! Truly stunning! How many hours would you estimate went into achieving this portrait? I have painted both of my dogs (sister border collies), and because of the emotional attachment to them, I found the time just flew past!
I will be returning to journey along side of you and enjoy your artwork. Happy New Year - and all the best for 2009!
Shelley, thanks for your visit! I'm happy to report that Hunter is doing very well. He will be getting a re-check X-ray this week.
Joanne, thank you so much for your compliments on my Hunter painting. I must have spent more than 10 hours on this small surface, but every minute of it was fun! It was just like spending time with Hunter himself. :)
Wow,,,, this is a wonderful painting, I love animals. Your art is wonderful. I feel very honored to have your kind words about my work on my blog. Thank you for your generosity.
Amanda thank you for your visit and wonderful comments! I LOVE your artwork.
Wow...your art is fantastic!!!
Theresa, thank you so much!!!
Glad Hunter is getting better!
Your art is AMAZING!
Melissa, thank you so much for your visit and wonderful compliments!
Oh, what a beautiful boy, and your love for him shines through in your painting! I have a soft spot for ginger cats, and Hunter looks very much like my Arthur. So glad to hear he's doing well....
~ Carolee
What a gorgeous cat. Sending healing thoughts your way.
Carolee thank you for your visit! Hunter is fine now although he will need medication for his chronic asthma.
Jen, thank you so much!!
Wow! What a painting so detailed on such a small scale, the fur is absolutely realistic you feel like you could stroke it. You must be a lady with infinite patience!
Diana thank you so much for dropping by and leaving such wonderful comments on my Hunter painting!! :)
Beautiful akiko, lovely colourful and luminous feel, fantastic! I will keep following:o)
Sam, thank you so much for visiting my Hunter painting! I really appreciate your wonderful comments!
Your art is so darn amazing. I am just sitting here oogling over each piece. The eyes, the eyes!
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