I've been tagged by a wonderful artist
Melody Lea Lamb. Her animal paintings are the cutest things. If you have not seen them, check out her blog.
The rules of the Blogger's Tag game are:
1. Put a link in your posting about the artist that tagged you.
2. Write 5 to 7 unusual things about yourself.
3. Tag 5 to 7 other bloggers and let them know.
Here are my 7 things:
1. I am my parents' youngest child. When I was born, I was not premature, but weighed only a little over 4 pounds.
2. When I was a kid, I used to take a bath with my pet frog. Needless to say, this practice was not very popular among my family members.
3. I read my favorite books over and over again, probably at least 6 times or until a new book by my favorite authors is published.
4. I go to the bathroom with my cat Hunter. Sometimes he asks me to go with him. :)
5. I lived in Provo, UT, for one year to work for a company to develop a computerized translation system. That was my only 9 to 5 job I have ever had and I hope to keep it that way.
6. I don't like driving, so my husband drives me everywhere, and I go everywhere he goes.
7. I always enjoyed traveling, but about 10 years ago, I developed a fear of flying. This was really bad because I was to visit my family in Japan once a year. I overcame my fear by forcing myself to take flights. So I understand and feel sorry for people who have a fear of flying.
I don't want to break the game rules, but decided to not tag anyone at this time. Instead, I recommend that you visit my blog followers who support me tremendously. Thank you!