1. I love animals, all kinds.
2. I love bugs, all kinds, except roaches. :)
3. I love my family and friends, including people and pets.
4. I love music, different kinds (rock, pop, classical, jazz, ethnic, and new age).
5. I love gardening. Just wish I had a better back...
6. I love where I live and the view from our house (Pacific ocean).
7. I love good food, especially Japanese, Indian, and Italian.
Now I am giving an Art Blog Award to the following 7 people whose blogs I enjoy so much:
Art By Erika
From Forensic to Fine Art
Ingrid's Art
Adebanji Alade
James Parker
Mona Conner
I enjoy reading other people's loves!
Thank you Akiko!!! I love looking at your blog too:)...and everything else you do...
What a great list, Akiko. I agree with you on the bugs!
Thanks Akiko you know the feeling is mutual so I'll have to list you as one of my 7 hahaha ok I won't make you do it again. I enjoy visiting your blog because it reminds me to always set the bar HIGH!
Akiko, we used to have pet Madagascar hissing roaches. They are actually cute and even "affectionate" as crazy as that sounds! They only live for 2 yrs. though.
You are one of my favorite people first, artist and friend.
Gail, I totally agree. Thanks again for the award. :)
Shelley thanks for sharing your 7 things. Your love for animals and people emanate from your art!
Kathleen, you also love bugs!!! They are beautiful. Thanks again for the award. :)
Erika I know 7 is not enough for you, but please share your top 7 (in any order, that is). :)
Deb, the roach section is the only part I skip in the San Francisco zoo. Actually, Madagascar hissing roaches are not as scary to me as common roaches that FLY. :(
Thanks for the award!
Interesting things you love- Wow I like people who love good food!
Thank you for the award, and I am blown away by your "My Dear Rainbow" that is now gracing WTTW Art...It is simply superb. Thank you so much.
Adebanji, your blogs are awesome. I hope this award will help more people discover your amazing art!
James, thanks for posting my fox so quickly. Now I see you have extended the deadline. Hope to see more artworks on WTTW! Where is your? ;)
Akiko, thanks so much for the Art Blog Award!
Saw your list, and right around the corner from me here is a Japanese, an Indian, and an Italian restaurant, among others, so come east! I love gardening too, so I guess that would be another we have in common. For a while I was the gardener for the tiny garden in front of our coop.
Enjoyed looking at all the bloggers you listed, some whom I had not seen before. Looks like James Parker has a neat idea, and your fox with the rainbow is a great entry for it. Very interesting to read about Sheila's work in forensics too.
Mona, you seem to live in the best neighborhood for food. I'll be there in no time only if it's close... I would love to see the view from your studio. :)
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