I was honored by my friend and very talented artist
Lara Harris for "A Passion for Painting Award." Please take a moment and view her beautiful paintings.
Here are the rules:
- List 7 things your love.- Put a link to the one who picked you.- Choose 7 others to pass the award to.- Notify them of the award.The 7 things I love are:
1. Spending time with my cats. The daily grooming session is the happiest time for our cats and that also makes me happy somehow. Maybe the happy vibration travels through touch.
2. Going to the zoos and aquariums to watch animals.
3. Painting while listening to my favorite music.
4. Going to the museums and looking at great paintings and amazing Japanese miniature sculptures (called Netsuke).
5. Spending time with my family whether here or in Japan.
6. Taking a walk at the park and finding deer, bobcats, and other creatures.
7. Going to the beach and watching the waves.
The 7 artists I have chosen:
Gail Ragsdale-
Kathleen Coy-
Mona Conner-
Erika Nelson-
R. Garriott-
Douglas Hoover-
Tom PohlmanUpdate!I also received a Passion for Painting Award from my fellow artists
Vern Schwarz and the Lemonade Award from
Liz Holm. Their works are just amazing. Please take a look at their blogs. You will enjoy. I promise!