I was given Noblesse Award by my fellow artist
Doris Britt whose kindness to all creatures is apparent everywhere in her blog. Doris, I'm so glad that I found your blog, and thank you for this wonderful award.
I've been blogging for about 8 months now and met so many wonderful bloggers. Every morning I can't wait to finish my daily chores (giving fresh water to cats, feeding fish, filling bird feeders, changing water and filling food for outdoor critter
visitors, watering plants, giving medications to a couple of cats, making coffee, and having breakfast; the rest is my husband's chores such as feeding the cats and cleaning the litter boxes), so I can check my blogs.
Blogging has become an important and fun part of my life and has expanded my world. It's like I have all my favorite friends right next door. Thank you all who have supported me and my art by visiting and commenting on my blog.
Details of Noblesse Award:The recipient of this award is recognized for the following:- The Blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervade amongst different cultures and beliefs.- Their Blog contents inspire; strives to encourage, and offers solutions- There is a clear purpose at the Blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Cultures, Sciences and Beliefs- The Blog is refreshing and creative- The Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.The Blogger who receives this award will need to perform the following:- Create a post with a mention and link to the person who presented the NoblesseOblige Award- The Award Conditions must be displayed at the Post- Write a short article about what the Blog has thus far achieved, preferably citing one or more older posts as support- The Blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige Award in concurrence with the Award conditions- Blogger must display the Award at any location at their Blog.So I'm going to pass this one to:
Mona ConnerLinda of The Briar Rose GateLiz Holm